Saturday, 30 April 2011

Best Location Production Tips

Location of production
Production activity should be located where a firm can be most productive, and yield the highest revenues per unit of
investment. A highly productive plant:
* Is one that is near to the market, so that the demand for units of output (and hence price) is high relative to costs of
making that input.
* Is one that is close to a skilled labour force. The easier it is for the firm to attract labour with appropriate skills the more
likely it is to produce high value outputs and low costs per unit of output.
* One that locates close to high value raw materials. The further materials have to travel the lower the productivity of the plant will be.

An ideal location for production will include some or all of the following ingredients:
1. Closeness to point of sale. The higher the sales revenue - the higher the productivity will be.
2. Closeness to raw materials.
3. Away from centers of population - for noisy, environmentally unfriendly plant.
4. Near to skilled labour source.
5. Have room for expansion.
6. Have good communication links.
Revenue output
A company like BIC that has developed huge superfactories to serve large geographical areas of the globe needs the
ingredients outlined above. It needs to be near to its skilled highly productive labour force, on a site with room for
expansion, while having ease of access for its inputs, coupled with ease and speed of distribution to customers.
Although productivity can be measured in physical terms i.e. units of output per employee, it can also be measured in
terms of the revenue output. For example the value of the production of each employee in pounds/euros etc.

Business Enviroment

The term Business Environment consists of two words 'Business' and 'Environment'. Put simply, the country where a person remains busy known as Business. Business words in the economic sense is the human activity such as production, extraction or the purchase or sale of goods is done for profit.On the other hand, the word 'environment' refers to environmental aspects. Therefore, the Business Environment can be defined as a set of conditions - Social, Legal, Economic, Political or uncontrolled institutional in nature and affect the functioning of the organization. Business Environment has two components:1. Internal Environment2. External Environment

Internal Environment: This covers 5 Ms. namely human, material, money, machinery and management, usually in control of the business. Businesses can make changes in these factors in accordance with changes in the functioning of the company.External Environment: The factors that are beyond the control of the company's business is included in the external environment. These factors are: the Government and Law, Geo-Physical Factors, Political Factors, Socio-Cultural Factors and Demo-graphic factors, etc. These are two types:

1. Micro / Business Environment2. Macro Environment / Public

Micro / Business Environment: The environment is close to the business and affect the ability to work was known as Micro or Business Environment. It consists of Suppliers, Customers, Market Intermediaries, Competitors and General.

(1) Suppliers: - They are the people who supply raw materials and components required for the company. They must be reliable and the business must have some suppliers that they should not just rely on one supplier.

(2) Customer: - Customer regarded as the king of the market. The success of every business depends on their customer satisfaction levels. Customer Type:(I) Traders(Ii) Retailer(Iii) Industry(Iv) The Government and Other Institutions(V) Foreign

(3) Market Intermediary: - They work as a liaison between businesses and final consumers. Type: -(I) intermediary(Ii) Marketing Agent(Iii) Financial Intermediaries(Iv) Intermediary Physical

(4) Competitors: - Every step of competitors affects the business. Business to conform in accordance with the strategy of competitors.

(5) General: - Any group which has interests in the company's actual business referred to as media such as public and local communities. They may be users or non-users of the product.Macro / General Environment: - This includes the factors that create opportunities and threats to the business units. Here are the elements of Macro Environment:(1) Environmental Economics: - It is very complex and dynamic in nature is constantly changing with changes in policy or political situation. He has three elements:(I) Public Economic Conditions(Ii) State Economic Policy(Iii) Economic Systems(Iv) Other Economic Factors: - capital market infrastructure facilities, Banking, Insurance companies, money market, etc.

(2) Non-Economic Environment: - The following is included in non-economic environment: -(I) Environmental Politics: - It affects the different business units extensively. Component:(A) Government's Political Beliefs(B) Strength Homeland Politics(C) Relations with other countries(D), Defense and Military Policy(E) Centre State Relations in Soil Water(F) Thinking Party Opposition to the Business Unit(Ii) Socio-Cultural Environment: - Effects of culture and carried out by social factors, not in control of the business, known as the Social-Cultural Environment. These factors include: the attitude of people to work, family system, caste system, religion, education, marriage etc.(Iii) Environmental Technology: - A systematic application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks is known as technology. Every day there have been major changes in products, services, lifestyle and living conditions, these changes must be analyzed by each business unit and must adapt to these changes.(Iv) Natural Environment: - This includes natural resources, weather, climate conditions, port facilities, topographic factors such as land, sea, river, rainfall, etc. Each business unit should look for these factors before choosing a location for their business.(V) Environment Population: - This is the study of perspective that is the size of the population, living standards, growth rate, age sex composition, family size, income level (top level, middle level and lower level), education level etc.. Each business unit should look at the features recongnise population and their needs and produce appropriate.(Vi) International Environment: - This is especially important for the industry is directly dependent on imports or exports. Factors that affect businesses are: Globalization, Liberalization, foreign business policy, cultural exchanges.(sources:

Best Business Plan Tips


1. Present situation
The business environment
The condition of the industry
success factor
Location of production
product life cycle
Supplier Prices
Plan adjustments in the event of price changes
• How will potential customers use our products and services
Central distribution network and the possible expansion
The existence of the management team, whether it takes extra energy?
current financial situation and its current ratio

2. Objectives: long-term vision intermediate goal-goal-objectives
determination of how the vision and mission.

3. Management and organization
Management: company background
Team management
• Responsibility
Support beyond: consultants (outsourcing)
Resume management: qualification of managers
Power required
Director: name, authority, and compensation

4. Product & service description
Product Description
Value added product
Test / approval
Cycle products
Trademarks / Copyrights

5. Market analysis
Market definition
Strengths and weaknesses
Consumer Profile: consumer type

6. Marketing strategy
Marketing Strategy
Product Strategy
Position the product in the eyes of consumers (positioning)
Distribution of marketing responsibilities
Marketing / media objectives (goal consideration)
Media Strategy
Sales Tactics
The unique advantage of sales

7. Financial projection
Current Assets, fixed assets, liabilities, sales-administration-general, break even analysis
BE = (sales-cost of good sold)-cost-selling general and administrative expenses

Football Manager tips: how to choose a good striker

Striker is not good = no goals,
Right striker is a player tombah tip or end of an attack and the spearhead of a team, scored the winning goal largely born from the foot of a striker, but how to choose a good striker? choose striker who can at make a goal?
this is the tips.

In terms of technical attributes, a striker should have
- dribbling
- Finishing
- Firsh touch
- Heading
- Long shoot
- Technique

And in terms of mental attributes, a striker must have
- Anticipation
- Of the ball
- Concentration
- Determination

And in terms of physical attributes, must have
- Agility
- Pace
- dribbling
- Balance
- Natural Fitness
- Strength
- Stamina
- Jumping

From some of the above criteria, the following examples of players that the player has the ability to fit the above criteria:
- Wayne Rooney
- Sergio Aguero
- Edin Dzeko

Football manager tips: Choosing a good defender

When you're playing a game, precisely football manager game with version 2011 or 2011, whatever team you use, your team should have 3 strengths, namely defense, and attack midfilder.
Football manager tips: Choosing a good defender who this time is how do I choose a good defender?
Usually the thing that happened was the defender who is less accurate, less cautious and less discipline can lead to brittle defense, or even owngoal.
To fix the player needed to survive according to the following criteria:
In terms of Physical Attributes
Select the player with the attributes:
- Balance
- Naturan fitness
- Stamina
- Strength
- Agility
In terms of mental attributes
The defender has an mental must include the following:
- Aggression
- Anticipation
- Bravery
- Concentration
- Determination
- Positioning
- Workrate
In terms of technical attributes
Players endure physical and mental addition, he also must have the technical, as follows:
- Marking
- Tackling
- Heading
Thus the criteria of a good defender in the game football manager 2010 or 2011

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


World of technology moves so fast, advanced and pesar, a very fast movement it certainly gives a lot of benefit in humans, but other than a positive impact dati technological developments, there were negative consequences.One of the negative impact of technology is a virus and its spread. But now there are so many anti-virus, ranging from free to paid, even our own confused choosing the right antivirus.Here are some tips on choosing a course antivirus as needed:- Rate Detection Testthousands and even millions of virus samples will be tested by antivirus signature base, and then compare Which most antivirus detects the virus samples.- Heuristic / Prospective / Generic TestIt is a test virus / new malware that does not exist in the database (signature file), but use it as a reference signature database to detect virus / malware new, if there are characteristics of the virus / malware then the heuristic function will detect it. like DNA in humans, for example, Peter Parker is a virus and has been there in an anti-virus signature database, so it can detect that this is a virus, but when Peter Parker then transformed into Spiderman, then the basic antivirus signature database does not recognize that this virus / malware, but the heuristic function will see that the DNA of Peter Parker and Spiderman are the same, then the antivirus will detect that this is a virus / malware.- Performance TestUse antivirus course will take a computer resource, such as CPU, Memory, our role is to be smart in choosing a good antivirus product, in accordance with computer skills and do not make the computer crash, so as not to disturb the performance of the computer. There are many antivirus software that uses multiple engines in their products, some use 2 (two) engines, or even a 7 (seven) engine, where it would interfere with the performance of computers, resources / resources will be widely used computers compared with only 1 (one ) engines, among others:- - Gdata: 2 Engines (Bitdefender engine hire & Avast)- Trusport: 3 Engines (renting engines: AVG, Norman and Dr.Web)
and many other matery)


Blog is a place where we share information, blogs that provide information and face a good blog will add a nice image for us and the blog that we manage, there are some interesting tips to beautify the face of the blog, both in appearance and in terms of content, ie:
- a blog with a clear layout, neat and nice and mengguanakan text as links, each page must be achieved with a single static text link.

- Blog provides useful information and good content.

- Choose the right keywords that people looking to open your blog, and make sure it is true that the search terms really exist in your blog.

- Use text to explain the content, or the name of the blog.

- Do not create pages that are not useful (viruses, trojans and things that are forbidden any other law)

- Make sure the content is the truth not a gossip blog or something that caused mass commotion.


In this world is not easy to find the solution unrivaled conflict between Arabs with Israel, both in quality and very high kuantitasnya.kualitas is a result of the complexity of issues, interests and the interests of the actors who play in it.
As a result, very high quantity of war because the conflict situation that is very long and never get completion.

The late Pope John Paul II once commented: "There are two ways to resolve conflict-israel.yaitu street arab street miracles and realistic (if both parties to negotiate and produce lasting peace agreement)" that's the way miracles, and realistic way when the Lord came down to earth to emnggintervensi parties and reconcile disputes.

History proves there has been at least 5 times arab-israel war that first erupted very destruktif.perang exactly one day after the declaration of the establishment of Jewish or Israeli state, namely on 15 May 1948 to 7 January 1949, where Israel was surrounded by Arab countries.

The second war erupted on 29 October to 7 November 1956, the Suez Canal dispute involving the great leaders of Egypt, Jamal Abdul Nasser, Nasser mobilize state power to deal with israel arab countries, so that later became known as the "6 day war", namely on December 50-10 June 1967.

-Avi shlaim, the iron wall,israel adn arab world (W.W. Norton:new york,2000),h.484-485
-Anthony sampson,1987,the arm bazar,pantja simpati,jakarta,h.251
-Asher arian, the scond republic,politics in israel(new jersey:shatam house publisher,1998),h.96.


At the time of ancient Mesopotamia, spirituality has become a feature of the Mesopotamian world. Tigris and Euphrates valleys, which are now in iraq government territory, was inhabited by a group of humans known as the Sumerians since 4000 SM.mereka has built a first in the world's greatest civilizations (ecumenical). In the city of Erech, ur, Kish, Sumerians created cuneiform script them, build the Ziggurat is a tower-temple and the Sumerians also developed the law, literature and mythology that is unbelievably impressive. 

Not long ago, the area was attacked by the Akkadian Semitic, which then adopted the language and Sumerian civilizations. 

Then around 2000 BC, people amorit Akkadian-Sumerian civilization conquered and made Babylon their capital. 

Its end some 500 years later the Assyrians (who lived in Assyria) is not far from where it controls Babylon in the 8th century before masehi.agama and mythology of Canaan (which will become the land of promise for the ancient israel) is influenced by the tradition babilonia.sebagaimana other ancient people, the Babylonians ascribed their cultural achievements to the gods god who had revealed their own lifestyle to the ancestors Babylonian society. Thus the Babylonians regarded as a picture of heaven, every temple temple is a replica of his dominion of the heavens 

(references:sejarah Tuhan:karen amstrong)


in the popular book by John Naisbitt and Patricia aburdence "megatrend 2000" said that 67,000 employees in California to follow the style of new age spiritual training, as well as large companies just as Procter & gambel, ford motor company, AT & T, general motors and even IBM. Asia inc announces that in January 1999, the senior leadership of the world's oil company (shell) to call a prominent Buddhist monk, in order to provide spiritual training to 550 company executives.
colorado university professor, Gay hendericks, who received his Ph.D. from Stanford and experienced teaching for 20 years, with kate ludeman a doctorate in psychology and an executive consultant to write a book berujudul "The Corporate Mystic". they both have spent thousands of hours to chat conversation with hundreds of world-class executive for approximately 25 tahun.beberapa big companies become his clients such as Motorola, General Electrics, johnson & johnson and silicon graphics. In the book it is said that most likely we will find the mystic (spiritual) ssejati in a conference room large companies not in the place of worship. These mystics mengalamalkan spiritual values ​​in his company, even Gay hendericks and kate ludeman predict successful entrepreneurs of the 21st century is spiritual experts. This conclusion blaze after working with hundreds of executives over the past 25 years. (referennces: Power ESQ, Ary Gina Agustian)